
5 Affirmations for Interviews

Job Interviews are one of the most nerve-wracking steps in a job search. But they’re necessary – for both you AND the prospective employer to learn about each other and the potential fit. It’s a two-way street, and believe it or not, your interviewer may be just as nervous as you are! Today, I’m going to share with you part of the interview prep I do with the candidates I represent. I’m turning my top prep tips into 5 affirmations for interviews to set you up for success and establish a positive, confident mindset. You can use these to write your own versions OR use them as examples come up with even more affirmations for interviews.

Setting the Stage with a Healthy Mind-Body Connection

First things first. A healthy mind begins with a healthy body. I always tell my candidates to take care of themselves before any interview. This means eating well, sleeping well, and exercising. A workout or long walk can go a long way to preparing the body, and the mind, for this all-important meeting.

Do the Interview Prep Work

No affirmation can save you from a bad interview experience if you don’t do the deep interview prep work required to perform well. Here are the basic steps to interview prep, which we’ll cover in greater depth in future posts:

  • Research the company, the interviewer, and the team. Go beyond surface level information – dig deep into company annual reports, 10Ks, investor and conference presentations, leadership bios and profiles – anything you can get your hands on.
  • Write out a list of possible/likely questions and draft answers. Practice them out loud. (Here is a good list of Controller interview questions, as an example.)
  • Know your career stories inside and out, including the Situation, Action, Result aspects of your most relevant accomplishments.
  • Prepare ahead how you will address matters of compensation and benefits if asked.

Once you’ve completed your interview preparation, you’re ready to use affirmations to build and maintain a positive mindset up until the moment you walk into the interview.

My 5 Core Affirmations for Interviews

These form the foundation of the mindset coaching I do with every candidate I represent, on every interview prep call. My 5 affirmations for interviews are designed to help you set a positive vision in your mind.  

The mind is a powerful thing. The more you feed it thoughts that reflect your ideal outcome, the more it will set in motion the actions required to make it happen.

When you have some extra time, consider reading the book As a Man Thinketh, written by James Allen in 1903, which explores the power of thought in shaping one’s life outcomes. It’s a real eye opener and can often explain why our lives have turned out in certain ways. The book has helped me understand how to use mindset to change my future.

Okay, let’s get down to it – here are my 5 affirmations for interviews that you’ve been waiting for:

  1. I am an expert in my field, with the years and breadth of experience, and a track record of accomplishments that qualify me to excel in this job.  
  2. I have done the deep preparation necessary to answer any question with confidence and specific details that demonstrate my fit for the job.
  3. I can handle any unexpected situation, curve ball, or personality that comes my way by taking a moment to breathe, reflect, and collect my thoughts before speaking calmly and professionally.
  4. I will make an excellent first impression because I am well-spoken, likeable, and have interesting ideas to contribute. Plus, I’m genuinely interested in getting to know the interviewer, their job, their company, and their team.
  5. I am evaluating this company and hiring manager as much as they are evaluating me. This is my chance to ask questions, learn how this opportunity might fit my career goals, and determine if I’m interested in advancing to the next step in the process.

I could write many more of these! But I’m stopping at these 5 because they represent the core beliefs you need to walk in and nail your next interview. If you can think of any others specific to your needs, by all means, add them to the list!

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

I challenge you now to repeat these affirmations for interviews out loud and in your head:

  1. As you go about your day the day before the interview. Say them in the shower, on your next run, as you prepare dinner, while you’re brushing teeth, to your dog or cat. 😊
  2. As you’re falling asleep the night before, so your subconscious can “work on them” while you sleep.
  3. As you get dressed in the morning, eat breakfast, and gather everything you need to bring to the interview (yes, including paper copies of your resume if it’s in person!).
  4. In the car, on the train, on the bus, and as you walk into the building for the interview.
  5. While you wait to be picked up by your interviewer in the lobby.
  6. During any moments of downtime between meetings on a long interview day.

Now you’re ready to go kick some ass in the next job interview…and the next…and the next. I know it can be a real slog pushing through a job search, and interview fatigue is real. But when negative thoughts intrude, pull out your affirmations for interviews, and get back on the positive mindset track! It will absolutely pay off.

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