How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews


If you’re applying for internships, it’s time to learn how to answer “Tell me about yourself” for internship interviews.

“Oh sure! Well…I grew up in small town America and my parents had 5 kids, I was the middle one, and I played baseball in middle school, and I sang in the high school musical…”

Um… No, this is not the time in a job interview to tell the hiring manager where you were born, how you grew up…the whole nine about your life story. Just, no.

The interviewer is not looking to break the ice and make small talk.

This IS a real interview question.

And they’re assessing your answer.

It’s actually a crucial opportunity to make a strong impression and showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Crafting a compelling response to this question requires careful preparation and a strategic approach. In this article, we will delve into effective techniques and strategies that will help you master the art of answering “Tell me about yourself” in internship interviews. So, let’s dive in and enhance your chances of securing that dream internship!

Table of Contents

Why Learn How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews?

Before we dive into the specifics of crafting a winning response, let’s take a moment to understand why interviewers ask this question. When interviewers ask you to tell them about yourself, they are seeking to assess your communication skills, gauge your confidence, and gain insights into your background, aspirations, and your strengths. It’s an opportunity for you to provide a concise yet impactful overview of your professional journey, highlighting relevant experiences and skills that align with the internship position you’re applying for.

So, pull out your pen and notepad or open a fresh word document.

It’s time to prepare.

Crafting Your Response – How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews

  • Aim to craft an answer that you can:
  • Speak out loud at a relaxed, casual pace in about 60 seconds, 90 seconds max.
  • Customize for each interview.
  • Feel confident and genuine about.

1. Start with a Captivating Opening

Begin your response with an attention-grabbing statement that highlights your passion for the field and briefly mentions your most relevant accomplishments. For instance:

“As an aspiring [insert specific field] professional, I have always been fascinated by the dynamic intersection of technology and innovation. My journey started when I implemented my first automations into financial models I built in school, and since then, I have been driven to pursue opportunities that allow me to apply my skills and make a meaningful impact.”

2. Highlight Your Relevant Experiences

Next you can frame your experience so far in terms that illustrate your strengths and where/how you thrive. For example, “I spent last summer as an Audit Intern with a Big 4 accounting firm, and I found I really enjoy diving into technical accounting research and learning how to apply it to real world companies and situations.”

3. Showcase Your Skills and Strengths

You might also mention a couple of projects, or coursework that showcase your skills and demonstrate your ability to contribute to the organization. Be sure to emphasize any achievements or challenges you encountered along the way.

For example, “I have a real affinity for mapping out and creating efficient processes and automation initiatives. For example, I in a recent internship, I implemented an A/R billing automation, which reduced manual entry time by 369 hours per month.”

4. Connect Your Skills and Aspirations

Here you want to draw connections between your experiences and the specific requirements of the role you are interviewing for.

More specifically, you’ll want to translate how your strengths can add value to this specific company in this specific role. For example, “What excites me most about your company and this role is the opportunity to join at the ground level and become a vital asset in designing and creating accounting department processes that will allow you to grow and scale over time.”

Tips for Success When Learning How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews

To ensure your response stands out and leaves a strong impression, consider the following additional tips:

Research the Company

Before the interview, thoroughly research the company and its values. Incorporate relevant information about the organization into your response to demonstrate your genuine interest and alignment with their goals.

The best places to find great information on a company include:

  • Company Website
  • Investor or Sales Presentations (often found on website)
  • Company LinkedIn Page
  • Company Annual Report and/or SEC filings (for public companies)
  • Crunchbase
  • Bloomberg

Practice, Practice, Practice How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews

Now, stand in front of a mirror.

How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself Internship Interviews

And read it out loud.

Then go back and edit.

Then practice, practice, practice.

Until you can smoothly deliver the answer without reading and in a natural way.

You won’t be reading when you do this live, and your words may differ a little each time, but by writing it out and practicing it this way, it will cement it in your mind, and you will have confidence in your answer every time you’re asked this seemingly trick question. Also, consider recording yourself or rehearsing with a friend to receive feedback and make necessary adjustments.

Do this before each interview and customize as needed for each job.

There’s a bonus to this practice; once you’ve done this a few times, you’ll find yourself even more self-aware, which will translate into how you position yourself, and even which roles you gravitate towards.

Be Concise and Relevant

While it’s essential to provide a thorough overview, remember to be concise and focus on the most relevant aspects of your background. Aim for a response that lasts around 60 seconds, but no more than 90 seconds, keeping the interviewer engaged and interested.

Tailor Your Response

Adapt your response to suit each specific internship opportunity. Emphasize the skills and experiences most relevant to the role, showcasing how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

Project Confidence

Maintain good eye contact, employ positive body language, and speak with confidence. Showcasing your self-assurance will instill trust in the interviewer and reinforce your suitability for the internship.

Conclusion on How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself, Internship Interviews

Crafting an effective response to “Tell me about yourself” for internship interviews is crucial. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you’ll be well-prepared to present a compelling overview of your background, skills, and aspirations. Remember to practice, tailor your response, and exude confidence throughout the interview process. With the right preparation, you can leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of securing that coveted internship opportunity.

So, go ahead and confidently articulate your unique value proposition when answering the “Tell me about yourself” question, and take the first step towards launching a successful career in your chosen field! Need more tips? Follow us on Facebook! Need help with your resume? Check out or recent post on putting together a finance intern resume.

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